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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 11/17/04
NOVEMBER 17, 2004

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairman Steven Neill called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. following a Nonpublic Session on Personnel Evaluations that began at 6:30 P.M.  He welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Jon LeClair moved to approve, as printed, the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of November 1, 2004, that began at 2:00 P.M. in the Community Room for the Sale of Delinquent Tax Properties.  Seconded by Steve Neill.  All in favor, so voted.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the Nonpublic Selectboard meeting of November 1, 2004, that began at 2:30 P.M. in the Administrative Assistant’s office and the brief Nonpublic Session after the Highway Department meeting.  Seconded by Steve Neill.  All in favor, so voted.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the Selectboard meeting with the Highway Department employees on November 1, 2004.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  All in favor, so voted.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of November 3, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  All in favor, so voted.

Police Department:  Chief Smith reported that all is quiet on all fronts and things are going smoothly at this time.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that he met with Mrs. Kasprzak regarding the tree on Swan Common that they would like to plant in memory of Tyler Gates.  This tree will replace one that is marked to come down.  There are electric lines going over the top of the tree so it will be a maintenance problem in the future. If the replacement could be planted closer to the flagpole it would be better.  Keith Weed feels that an oak or maple tree would be better than a pine tree.  The water trough can stay where it is.  It was noted that there may be covenants for Swan Common; therefore, research will be done before a decision is made.          

The Highway Department has been working on the Summer Street sidewalk and if the weather remains favorable it will be paved next week.  They are removing trees on South Hemlock Road and finishing up the patching of potholes.  There was a culvert on Blair Hill that needed to be cleaned out and that has been done.  Work on the guardrails on Sullivan Street was done today but some cable to take care of a 12’ section needs to be found.  The sanders are all done and ready for winter.  He purchased some concrete blocks today to be used for building a ramp to make it easier to load the trucks.  Steve Neill noted that the work on Unity Stage Road was a good move.  

Transfer Station:  Tom Minickiello asked about the shingles being transported from the Transfer Station at the last meeting and is waiting for an answer.  Bob Davis was at another meeting tonight so the matter can be taken up at the next meeting.   

There were no Selectboard comments made at this meeting.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Accounts Payable vouchers were signed.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following Purchase Orders:  1) Highway Department –Springfield Paving $7,200 for the sidewalk on Summer Street; 2) Water Department –Ti-Sales $408.54 for parts; 3) Water and Wastewater Departments –Omega Engineering $302.76 for the new booster stations; 4) Highway Department –Robarge Small Engines $385.00; and 5) Water and Wastewater Departments –Velano Brothers $352.05.

Tax Collector:  The Selectboard received a note from the Tax Collector that she is notifying the State Board of Tax and Land Appeals that final tax bills were mailed on November 10, 2004.

Abatement:  The Selectboard approved an Abatement in the amount of $1,269.51 due to an administrative error.

Intent to Cut:  A Notice of Intent to Cut on the Meany Road, on a 6-1/2 acre lot, was approved by the Selectboard.

Real Estate:  The Selectboard signed a Real Estate Transfer Tax Declaration for the 20 acres that was sold on the Sam Putnam Road as the result of Delinquent Taxes.  

Abatement:  Dave Edkins advised that a request for an Abatement was received and he recommended that it be discussed in a nonpublic session to protect the reputations of those involved.

There were no Appointments, Permits, Licenses or Resolutions at this meeting.

There was no additional correspondence to be discussed at this meeting.

2005 Holiday Schedule – Transfer Station:  The Selectboard approved the 2005 Holiday Schedule for the Transfer Station.  It will be closed for three days that it would normally be open.  These holidays are Saturday, January 1st, 2005 for New Years Day; Tuesday, May 31st, 2005, the day after Memorial Day; and Saturday, December 24th, 2005, for Christmas Eve.  
Conservation Commission – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair has been unable to attend the Conservation Commission meetings due to the Finance Committee meetings on Monday evenings.

CEDA – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that CEDA is now meeting on the second Tuesday of each month.  They are looking at their options on how to use Mr. Weaver.

Dave Edkins noted that a letter was received from George Grabe of CEDA requesting that the money earmarked for the Western Regional Development Corporation, which is going out of business at the end of this year, be appropriated for their local economic development efforts.  A copy of the letter will be distributed to the Finance Committee on Monday during their meeting.

Planning Board – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill advised that the Planning Board met last night.  At their previous meeting a Sign Permit application was approved with conditions for Peter Wojenski but the applicant was unable to attend that meeting.  Last night the applicant attended the meeting and pleaded his case.  As a result, the Planning Board approved the sign for Cristy’s Auto Sales as originally presented.  The Planning Board discussed work on the Master Plan and looked at proposed changes in the Fee Schedule.  They are not looking to make a profit but at least do not want to fall behind due to the low fees especially on the advertising.  The Board will review the fees at their next meeting, schedule a Public Hearing and make some changes.  

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair said the Solid Waste Committee has not met.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Heritage Commission has not yet met.  David Edkins said the new appointment documents have been completed and were given to Deb Clark for the swearing-in.   

Ambulance Department – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised that they had a brief meeting when Jerry Beaudry was home.  They are scheduled to meet with the Finance Committee next Monday.  

Highway Advisory Committee:  Tom Minickiello reported that the Highway Advisory Committee would not meet again until early December.  Members of the Committee will attend the Finance Committee meeting that Keith Weed attends.

The next regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 1st, 2004.


Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a Non-Public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II to discuss matters which if discussed in public might adversely reputations (c) and pending or threatened litigation (e).  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:08 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                      Approved,

                                                                Steven A. Neill, Chair

                                                                Brenda L. Ferland

                                                                Jon B. LeClair

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes. Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the December 1st, 2004, Selectboard meeting.)